Saturday 16 December 2017

Motivation is the Key

Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" and this is relevant to every idea to start a Medical Laboratory. Starting a Medical Laboratory requires you to have the right motives and mentality by first believing that it is possible. People will formulate every reason there is to tell a Medical Technologist that he/she cannot start a Medical Laboratory hence motivation is the key to staying on track with your dreams. These reasons will include: Lack of money, Lack of connections, or Lack of a good business plan to present to investors/banks. The primary reason most Medical Technologists never start a Medical Laboratory in their entire life is the lack of the right motivation.

Negativity and fear is the main reason for failure in achieving your dreams in life and the reluctant nature of humans to change their thinking. Some of your family and friends will tell you that you won't get any customers, starting a Medical Laboratory is too risky, No one will invest in your business idea, play it safe and be careful and most times you allow others to define you and your dreams. Most Medical Technologists are not living their dreams of financial freedom because they constantly listen to the naysayers and they are living their fears instead of living their dreams. It is important to become fearless and evaluate the difference between what you see and hear in your world and how you interpret it. When selling your ideas, you will face rejection but you must learn how to interpret rejections in a positive way. When you meet an investor who says "No" you should not equate that with a rejection to your business idea. Instead interpret it as "Not yet" meaning the investor is just not ready to close the deal with you right now. Giving up on your dreams is not an option regardless of the rejection. Most investors will say "No" a number of times before they say "Yes". You should be rational about rejection, the investor is not rejecting you, it is just that you were not solving a problem for the investor.

Investors will tell you "We cannot invest in your idea today", "We need to think about it" or "I need to talk to my spouse" but Investors say "No" when they don't want to tell you the real reason they can't say "Yes". It is your duty to ask them hard questions and find out why they said "No". Getting discouraged after rejection will kill your productivity but it is when you make motivation a habit that you will keep going and press on. Cultivating a mindset of abundance will help you to stay motivated despite of the objections in life. Having people with the same mission and vision around you is necessary to help you achieve your dreams. The mentality you have determines the possibility of starting a Medical Laboratory or the impossibility. Changing your mentality is essential to your success if you look at your life and you aren't where you want to be. Creating excuses for your lack of achievement in the realm of Laboratory Medicine will slow you down and will cause you to settle for less. If you become burnt out then you are ignoring your purpose and you need to find a reason why you do what you do.

Focusing on your goals and your reasons for achieving those goals and selling those reasons to yourself is important. Whether those reasons are to help people such as your father, mother or any other family member then you must sell yourself that motivation on a daily basis. Motivation is like breathing, because like breathing, you need to stay motivated everyday. Motivation should become your oxygen if you want to sell your ideas to the right people and close the deal. Your ultimate aim is to sell more and to get people's money to finance your dreams. In order to sell more, you need to stay motivated and become obsessed with motivation because there are a lot of objections that you will face that will discourage you and throw you off track. Each Medical Technologist should start thinking of himself or herself as the best person to go into a business deal with and that you have the best idea to start a Medical Laboratory. Tell yourself daily, "I am the best business on Earth" once you are convinced that every Medical Technologist is a business.

For more information on how to stay motivated and act like a business instead of an employee, call us: 18765685178, email us:, Like our Facebook fan page "Gav-Med Solutions"

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