Sunday 26 December 2021

Starship or Noah's Ark: Mars or Heaven

Starship is the creation of a rocket, by Elon Musk, to transport all lifeforms to Mars which sounds like the Noah's Ark story from the Bible. The Question is: "Will all life be destroyed on Earth by AI?" One could say that the story of Noah's Ark is a metaphorical prediction of the existential threat that is facing humanity in the form of climate change and artificial intelligence ("the flood"). The theologians have also theorized that the day we leave Earth we will be going to heaven or hell when Jesus comes. This is referred to as "Judgment Day". This is the unending war of ideologies between religion and science. Engineers believe that we should go to Mars and Theologians believe that we should go to Heaven.

The next major engineering feat is creating forms of life that can exist on other planets. This is called the engineering of biology. After the use of electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering to create Starship, the most important part of the Mars mission is the biological engineering of human beings. Medical Laboratories will have to become the factory for the engineering of life in order to make humans multiplanetary. Life is the most advanced form of engineering.

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