Wednesday 1 September 2021

Products from Genetic Engineering

Genetics will shape the final invention of the human race. The final race towards the apocalypse is between artificial intelligence and genetics. Genetic engineering is the manipulation of organisms to make useful products. Humans have used selective breeding in animals for thousands of years. Microorganisms were also studied and bioengineers realised their abilities to carry out commercially useful processes. Microbes are used for the manufacturing of vaccines and antibiotics. Biotechnology refers to the use of gene manipulation combined with material sciences, nanotechnology and computer software to create products. Pregnancy tests have been developed using biotechnology labs. Other products from genetic engineering has made it easier to detect and diagnose diseases. 

Genetic engineering has been used in Medical Laboratories to produce insulin, human growth hormones, follistim, human albumin, monoclonal antibodies and antihemophilic factors. Genetics is also used for creation of genetically modified organisms or crops in agriculture.


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