Sunday 1 August 2021

Medical Laboratory on Mars

For decades, there has been a deep love expressed for the planet Mars by the human race. Biomedical engineers have studied the planet and recognized that Mars is the planet in our solar system most capable of supporting life and installing a Medical Laboratory. The existence of life on Mars has remained an open question which eliminates the need for a Medical Laboratory. The possibility of life on Mars has not been ruled out even though we know today that there are no civilizations on Mars. Some scientists believe that Mars has an underground civilization which is more or less on par with civilizations on Earth. This means that in order to install a Medical Laboratory on Mars, the mission plan must include staying to colonize or setting up a Martian base. This mission plan must also include certain calculations and technical drawings to construct a Medical Laboratory on Mars. 

The idea of constructing a Medical Laboratory on Mars is entertaining to most science fiction enthusiasts. This idea could also be seen as a proposal for international cooperation to build Medical Laboratories in order to sustain life in space. A civilization on Mars is considered a fantasy by the man on the street but most Biomedical engineers would not deny its possibility. The reasons that it hasn't been done yet are more economical than technical. For this idea to be believable it does not require any futuristic technology or leaps of faith. All it requires is a willingness to be entertained, inspired and educated. You have become a true dreamer.

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