Tuesday 26 November 2019

Ask More Questions

The key to increasing sales is to ask more questions. Imagine you are a salesperson asking every customer you meet if they would consider buying from you. Wouldn't that increase your likelihood of closing more sales? The education system usually applauds the student who gives the right answer but ignores the student who asks a lot questions. However, in order to be an effective salesperson and businessperson, it is very important to ask a lot of questions. In some sales processes this is called probing or needs analysis, which is simply asking questions to find out if your product can solve your customer's problem.

The most important question to ask a customer in Laboratory Medicine is: "DO YOU HAVE ISSUES SOURCING A MEDICAL LABORATORY TEST?" I cannot stress this fact any more than to highlight the results that you will receive from asking this question. This is what I call "PRODUCT SOURCING STRATEGY." This question can fit into any step of the sales process whether it is greeting, qualifying, presenting or closing. ASK MORE QUESTIONS.

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