Wednesday 2 June 2021

Making Synthetic DNA

Editing genes is the future of technology in the next 100 years. It is oftentimes predicted that by 2100 synthetic DNA will be manufactured by all Medical Laboratories. Biomedical Engineers will be at the forefront of this technological revolution. Without a shadow of doubt, the future of Medical Laboratories lies in the hands of genetics and engineering. Gene therapy and other areas of biopharmaceuticals will be greatly impacted by the manufacturing of synthetic DNA. Gene editing will be done by using DNA as a sort of programming language like Python/ R for statistical computing. Artifical intelligence and Sythetic RNA/DNA will be the basis of technological advancements in the future. Hence, inventors who want to move forward into the future of technology should focus on areas such as genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Understanding the medical laboratory and its current functions can help with understanding the advancements in human genetics.

Having an understanding of human genetics helps with how we will create superhumans and manufacture synthetic DNA. This advancement could cure a lot of diseases such as Cancer or Sickle Cell Anaemia. Life on other planets in the solar system will be dependent on genetics. This sounds a lot like science fiction. In the future, the making of DNA could create superhumans as the final product and the factory floor for engineering superhumans would be Medical Laboratories.

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