Sunday 30 May 2021

Genetically Engineering the future

People oftentimes ask, "What will the future be like?" Will we have flying cars, biological computers or superhuman intelligence? These ideas have fueled our imaginations for years and have been the bedrock for science fiction. But, what would "medical" science fiction entail? Will the role of Doctors, Pharmacists, Medical Technologists or Radiographers be obsolete or will they have to adjust their roles to become more of an engineer than just a medical professional? The simple answer is all professions will become engineered in some way. This is because the entire human race and existence will be bioengineered in some way. Humans will become either half machines (cyborgs) or full machines (robots). Medical Laboratories will play the role of genetically engineering humans and other biological systems for the future. The main focus of the medical technologists will be genetics which is the fastest growing discipline in Laboratory Medicine. Our human genetic code is like a computer programming language which can program a cell like a computer software. Hence, by editing human genetics, we can alter the functions of human cell biology and create superhumans like the X-Men published by Marvel Comics. This sounds like 'medical' science fiction. Sounds like Spiderman (Peter Parker) being bitten by a genetically engineered spider which changes his DNA thus giving him superhuman powers. WOW! Is this real?

Yes, it is science fiction but some science fact is in it. Humans that are genetically engineered might not have superhuman powers like Spiderman or Hulk, but genetic engineering can enhance certain biological features of both plants and animals. For example, Golden Rice was engineered to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin A. Hence, Golden Rice was used to treat patients with Vitamin A deficiency. This is an example of genetic engineering doing good for humanity. To prepare for the future, we have to embrace engineering principles and combine them with genetics to operate effective Medical Labs. Biomedical Engineers could replace the role of Doctors and Medical Technologists with robotics and artificial intelligence. The intent is not to advance science fiction but to show us that fiction can easily become fact in the future. Thanks to genetics.

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