Sunday 1 May 2022

Becoming an Inventor

Becoming an inventor does not require you to be super brilliant. Inventions are created using a three step formula. These steps include: Initiation, Imitation and Innovation. A simple and mathematical way to remember this formula is Invention = Initiation + Imitation + Innovation. The first step which is Initiation is to study the field that you want create an invention in. For example if you want to invent a diagnostic test then you have to study medical laboratory science and engineering. This means reading academic papers, research literature and books about the subject. This will help you with initiating your mind to think about how your invention will add value to society. The second step which is Imitation is to filter through all of the literature and find strategies that you can copy. After copying these strategies then you need to practice them daily until you are perfect. Through practicing you will automatically start to find new strategies that no one has ever tried before. Finding new and unique strategies through experimentation is what leads you to the Innovation step. 

This is how anyone can become an inventor. First you need to start studying the subject, then find strategies to copy, then experiment with new and unique strategies. Medical Laboratories allow engineers to invent devices for genetic engineering of humans. The same three step formula is what those engineers are using to create the final invention of the human race. Simple engineering of the human body (i.e. bodybuilding) can be done with exercise, diet and monitoring of chemicals in the blood and urine. Bioengineering of humans is as easy as losing weight with exercise and as complex as editing human genes with CRISPR. 

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