Wednesday 23 February 2022

Open Data and Life

Open source technologies are becoming more popular now since Microsoft purchased GitHub, the ultimate open source software development company. Free and open source software (FOSS) allows users to use, study, change and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose. It is source code that is designed to be publicly accessible. Microsoft was the major opponent of this idea of open source since their business model was built on proprietary closed source software. Eventually, everyone will have to embrace every form of open source, including open data and open life which are the future. Open Data focuses on the open source approach to artificial intelligence whilst Open Life focuses on the open source approach to genetic engineering. This is future of open source which allows anyone to use, study, change and distribute the source code of AI and genetics. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, even university education is now open source. There is an open source computer science degree available on GitHub called Open Source Society University.

Medical Laboratories will serve as research laboratories and institutes for open data and open life. This idea will help shape the future of open source as Medical Laboratories make science fiction into science fact.

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