Wednesday 8 December 2021

Gamification of Medical Laboratories

Gamification is the key to increased customer engagement. In the metaverse, gamers will be able to use virtual worlds to keep people's attention and monetize eyeballs. The ability to gamify an industry using augmented and virtual realities are the future of online sales. To create this new version of the internet, referred to as Web 3.0, marketing will become a game. A game is a structured form of play which is usually done for entertainment and/or education. 

Gamification is a marketing strategy which enhances systems, products, services, and organizations in order to motivate and engage users using the experiences garnered from playing a game. It is used as part of a persuasive system design tool for learning and knowledge retention as well as improving customer retention.

Medical Laboratories will have to use gamification in order to survive in the new world of internet marketing. The metaverse will be in the form of a 3D computer simulation like a video game with parallel universes to the physical one we exist in. Therefore, new salespeople will have to develop a gamers' mindset to market effectively in the metaverse.

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