Sunday 28 November 2021

Big Pharma and Diagnostics Overlap

The overlap of Big Pharma and Diagnostics is in the field of chemistry. Let us retrace history to the advent of modern pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. Modern pharmaceuticals began with the extraction of morphine from opium poppy plants while modern diagnostics began with analyzing chemicals in urine. The major overlap of these two industries is chemistry. Doctors use morphine to treat severe pain and it is still used for that purpose in hospitals today. Urine dipsticks are still used by Doctors to make chemical analyses of urine easier and quicker which speeds up the diagnoses of patients.  However, the new era of technological revolution will be based on the chemistry of life: DNA. This type of chemistry will fuse diagnostics and pharmaceuticals into one by making diagnosis and treatment tailored to the genetic code of the patient. This will allow scientists to engineer life and create forms of life that do not exist in nature currently. Programming biology will be a greater engineering feat than the programming of computer software. 

The real overlapping of Big Pharma and Diagnostics is in the software of life which we call "Deoxyriboneucleic Acid". This is the cure for all diseases and the birth of superhumans. Welcome to science fact; not science fiction. Medical Laboratories are making science fiction into science fact.

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