Saturday 30 October 2021

YOU are the final TECH

The final TECH is the engineering or programming of life. Imagine being able to change your genetics like how you change the operating system on your computer or update an application on your android phone. This could happen in real time using a genetic compiler that changes your human biology in an instant. This invention will take all the foundations of nanomedicine and manipulate biological machines inside your cells, at the DNA level, to create a new YOU. You can change your IQ, Eye Color, Height, Weight, Skin Color and Texture, Hair Color and Texture, and/or your health by programming your biology. Instead of programming computers which we do now in the software revolution, we will be programming our biology in the living software revolution. The Medical Laboratory has a major role in the creation of this final TECH which is YOU. Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics is the fastest growing discipline of Laboratory Medicine and has the potential to create the most advanced form of technology that the human race will ever experience.

To participate in the living software revolution, one needs a deep understand of the principles related to gene-editing and CRISPR. YOU are the final TECH.

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