Sunday 24 October 2021

Bio- Hax and Vax

Many conspiracies surrounding Bio-Hax and Vax have led a lot of people to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine. Theorists are spreading propaganda that the vaccine will edit DNA or implant microchips inside persons. Biohacking is becoming more mainstream now since the invention of CRISPR. Genetic engineers are now contemplating the creation of superhumans by engineering their biology. Some even believe that COVID-19 is the birth of the era of biological programming. Programming biology changes man into a machine since like a computer that can be programmed with Python, engineers can program the cells of man with DNA (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine). Bio-Hax are possible through the engineering of a synthetic virus which infects a cell via a pandemic (involuntarily) or by simply creating a vaccine with the RNA of the synthetic virus then inject it into the cell (voluntarily). An enzyme will cut the DNA like a scissors then insert any new gene into the person's DNA. This technology will be greater and more impactful than the software revolution. It is actually another form of software revolution called the living software revolution.

Engineering life is the hardest task that any engineer will ever have. This is the final invention of the human race and Medical Laboratories will play a key role in making this engineering feat possible.

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