Monday 6 September 2021

Medical Labots

Robotics is a interdisciplinary field involving computer science and engineering. Medical Laboratories have seen an increase in the use of automation and artificial intelligence for most blood testing procedures. Biomedical engineers are looking for ways to make boring and repetitive tasks done by humans to be replaced by medical labots. These robots in the medical laboratory could use data from patients' blood to make diagnoses. This would eliminate the need for a Doctor since 70% of the data used for diagnoses comes from Medical Laboratories. The future looks promising in the eyes of most engineers who continue to search for solutions for the greatest problems in this world. Medical Labots will rely heavily on biomimicry and other forms of biotech to achieve its goals. 
With the use of mechatronics and computer engineering, the future of Medical Labots is bright. All data from Medical Laboratories will be strictly collected, analysed, engineered, processed and reported via machines. Thus, revolutionizing healthcare.

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