Tuesday, 8 June 2021

The Next Big Thing

The CEOs of the major technology companies all think that the next big thing can be boiled down to two main areas. These CEOs include Tim Cook (Apple), Satya Nadella (Microsoft) and Sundar Pichai (Google). They all think that the next big thing will be either Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Reality. However, I personally think that genetic engineering and tissue engineering will be the next big thing. The future lies in the hands of Medical Laboratories built by Biomedical engineers.

I might be wrong, or I might be close to the truth but there is a high probability. Medical Laboratory Scientists who adapt to technology and learn certain engineering principles could help to shape the future of technology via synthetic dna or regenerative medicine.

Augmented Reality is one interesting area which tech CEOs think is the next big thing, and medical labs could capitalize on this medical futurism. By definition, it is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved via the use of digital visual elements, sound or other sensory stimuli delivered through computers. This might seem somewhat like medical science fiction, but the augmented reality of medical laboratories may look like an enhanced version of the real world of laboratory medicine that exists only in the cloud. All medical laboratories would be internet based companies. Hence all blood tests will be done at home and data would be transmitted from the dna test kit to the internet website which provides a diagnosis using AI. Test tubes of blood collected from patients would be simply database softwares that has statistical elements which can be analyzed to enhance the artificial intelligence of cyborgs.

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