Saturday 19 June 2021

Nanodiagnostics and Genetics

Advancements in genetic modification via nanodiagnostics can be used to create superhumans. Nanotechnology is a field of research and innovation concerned with building things on the scale of atoms and molecules. Hence nanodiagnostics can build synthetic DNA that can change the molecular biology of humans. Editing of genes using nanotech can lead to the creation of superintelligent humans through combining biological intelligence with artificial intelligence using brain-computer interfaces. 

Medical Laboratories are using nanodiagnostic techniques to change and rewrite human genetics. Although it is now a reality, the editing of human genetics is still seemingly associated with science fiction. Mutants such as Professor X are popularised as superheroes from science fiction and other comic books and movies. Using CRISPR to edit one's genome is giving humans superpowers as they do to the superheroes in science fiction movies.


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