Saturday 1 May 2021

Quantum Mechanics

Medical Laboratories will eventually have to adapt to new technologies in order to produce faster and more accurate health data to patients. One of these technologies is Quantum Computing which is built on the theories of quantum mechanics. Superposition and Entanglement are the main foundations of this new idea called qubits (quantum bits) which are similar to bits (0/1) in binary. In quantum mechanics, 0 and 1 can exist as both states at the same time. This is referred to as superposition. Very complex calculations that could take a classical computer decades to compute can take a small amount of time for a quantum computer to compute.

In Laboratory Medicine, the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning is slowly taking precedence. The use of health data to predict diseases is reducing health care cost and identifying high risk factors for disease. Diagnosis is become more accurate with the use of technology and is ushering in the age of information into the lives of all patients. Self diagnosis will soon become a reality for all with wearable health monitors such as a watch that monitors pulse or blood pressure. The internet will play an important role in the communication of data and this will be made faster and more accurate with quantum mechanics. This proves the impact of STEM related subjects on Laboratory Medicine. Science (Physics), Technology (AI), Engineering (Biomedical) and Mathematics (Statistics) will transform how Medical Laboratories operate. Quantum Mechanics and AI is at the forefront of a technological revolution that will affect every industry.

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