Sunday 2 May 2021

Collecting Medical Laboratory Data

Data is the new oil. Companies are using data to drive decisions now more than ever. Collecting data from patients about the medical laboratory will be the foundation of technological advancements in Laboratory Medicine. Whether in the field of AI or Quantum Computing, there will be data collection at the epicenter of these advancements. Tools primarily used for data collection include: Surveys, Questionnaires and Interviews. With the internet, online businesses such as Google, Facebook and Amazon are swimming in an ocean of data. This data gives these internet companies power that not even the world government has. These companies know more about their customers than the customers know about themselves. They know your location, your preferences, where you were born and even your family members. This information is used as knowledge for marketers to target individuals with personalized products. This is AI at work.

Data will take us into the future when the robots take over the world. We will have hotels and bioengineered humans on Mars. At this point, cryptocurrencies will replace banks, brain-computer interfaces will be a reality, cars will be driverless, space travel will be like air travel and human cells will be biological computers that are genetically programmed. All of this will be part of the data revolution that we are now experiencing. Gav-Med wants to keep you informed and data-rich as these changes take place.  

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