Friday 24 April 2020

Work without pay and hustle for FREE

Working without pay and hustling for FREE will be one solution to this economic contraction that currently exists because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unemployment numbers will only increase as businesses are being forced to close their doors as well as implement social distancing and quarantine measures. Working from home is now the new norm and persons that have lost their jobs should be willing to work without pay and hustle for free. Your passion and willingness to expand your brand and business should push you to work. Selling a product should not be done only for the monetary gain during this economic recession. SALES should be seen as a means to make people know your name, brand and business. This historical era will be the rebirth of entrepreneurs and business owners who will build businesses on the principles of freeconomics such as free trial, freemium and free with ads.

As an employee, you should be willing to work without pay and as an entrepreneur, you should be willing to hustle for FREE. Work is what builds economies and should be done in order to maintain mental and physical health of people. Once you are out of work, it affects your body and mind negatively. Mental health and physical health are the major concerns of the government since the economic lockdown which has laid off many, quarantined many and forced many to work from home.

 If you are an employee, now is the time to act like an entrepreneur and salesperson. In the Laboratory Medicine industry, simple businesses can be formed such as Medical Media, Medical Cleaning and Medical Delivery. These are easy products and services to sell. The sales process involves a three step sales conversation: 1) This is my product, 2) This is my price; 3) Will you buy from me? WORK FOR FREE!

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