Friday, 3 April 2020

Make everything FREE

In these harsh economic times, it is important for companies to build value with customers and build brand awareness. An excellent way to build value with customers is to "make everything FREE", which simply means, as much as possible serve customers with no charge. If it is a subscription business, then you can do this using three business models namely: free trial, freemium and free with ads. These businesses are built to create value in the front end and then eventually charge in the back end. All businesses are created to be revenue generating machines and most entrepreneurs are reluctant in giving away products and services for FREE. Luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Mercedes Benz or Disney World are currently losing millions per day because of the economic shutdown from COVID-19. This creates a level playing field for all companies to use e-commerce to reignite their sales flame and make money online. "Make everything FREE" which means instead of selling your product, give it away. This is how a company builds brand awareness in the midst of a pandemic that is reshaping how businesses are operated.
Yes, I do talk about SALES a lot, but giving away your product is also a form of selling. It is about selling your brand and making the world aware of what your business stands for. SALES is not always monetary, it can be as simple as convincing someone else about your idea. 

This leads to the solution for this problem of businesses shutting down and viruses on the loose. Some health professionals are even analysing whether the economic shutdown or the virus will have the greater effect on the health of the human race. The economic shutdown is certainly going to affect the mental health of many and the virus is certainly affecting the physical health of many. The question is "which of the two is worse?" Making everything FREE will help with your spiritual health for sure. Giving back to the community is always a spiritual and religious act which also helps with the mental health of any nation. It is also good for business! Gav-Med Membership is FREE!

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