Saturday, 4 May 2019

Technology and Mobile Phlebotomy will change the future

Technological advancements, automation and robotics have rapidly been transforming Laboratory Medicine over the years. Doctors and Patients are seeking ways to get lab results quicker and with greater precision. Information systems are now creating networks of several medical companies and data is so easily accessed with just the touch of a button. Information is the final product of medical laboratories and the goal is to provide accurate data to Doctors that they can use to diagnose and treat patients. This is why laboratory information systems have become the pillar on which patient's health information is built.

Genetics and Artificial Intelligence will overtime gain more and more control of Laboratory Medicine which leads to my conclusion that future Medical Laboratory Scientists will have to be trained as Biomedical Engineers.  Another major advancement will be that mobile phlebotomy will eventually become the 'Uber' of Laboratory Medicine. Patients love convenience similarly to other customers of other business entities. Mobile Phlebotomy is basically the Medical Laboratory coming to the patient's home or work to draw their blood. The Mobile Phlebotomy business can be compared to the taxi business in which both business models are saving the customer time and providing convenience and satisfaction. 

Gav-Med is a brand that epitomizes everything related to the medical laboratory and extending its wings to bring mobile phlebotomy into the reach of all patients. The internet and social media will play an important role in facilitating communication and connection between Doctors, Patients, and Phlebotomists. Technology and Mobile phlebotomy will change the future of Lab Medicine around the world

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