Saturday 6 May 2017

Starting a Medical Laboratory with no money

The most important element in managing a Medical Laboratory is your product sourcing strategy, whilst a very important step in starting a Medical Laboratory with no money is to learn how to sell. Every Med Tech should start asking him/ herself, "Whose got my money to start my Medical Laboratory?" and then spend everyday selling your idea to those people. If you are unsuccessful in starting a Medical Laboratory at any point in your life, you have a sales problem and not a money problem. Gav-Med Solutions can assist you with learning how to sell your idea to an investor or a bank.

There is not a shortage of money in Jamaica to start a Medical Laboratory, but a shortage of people who can sell an idea to people who have the money. Whenever an individual wants something, i.e. money, you have to commit to learning how to sell your idea as a Medical Technologist in order to get it. Fear and self- doubt is a crippling factor for many entrepreneurs and it is the same with the Medical Laboratory Scientists who wants to start their own Lab. Doubting yourself is not the first option, but believing in the possibility and having the right mind-set is the first commitment in the process then you must learn how to sell. If you are a Medical Technologist and you believe that you will never start a Medical laboratory in your entire lifetime then you are already twice defeated in the race of life. Gav-Med Solutions is a consulting firm dedicated to helping health professionals, such as Doctors, with product sourcing strategy as well as starting and managing Medical Laboratories. We are a group of Medical Laboratory professionals dedicated to helping people with developing the right frame of mind and dismissing the negative thinking that surrounds the idea of starting a Medical Laboratory then investing in yourself as a person by learning how to sell.

The profession of being a Medical Technologist is noted and oftentimes regarded as a profession that attracts selfish and introverted people who do not like to talk to strangers. The people that have the hardest time in sales when trying to get a product or service sold to a customer are people who are selfish and afraid of talking to people. If you have it hard starting a Medical Laboratory it is because you have the wrong friends and you are not talking to the right people, i.e. investors/ banks. As a Medical Technologist, you have to stop thinking about yourself and how much money you can make and focus on how much difference you can make by simply talking to people. The primary reason a Medical Technologist fails in starting his or her own lab is they are self- centered egotists who are reluctant in talking to strangers because they think they are better than other people.

Gav-Med Solutions is committed to helping Health professionals with selling their ideas, i.e. ideas which should be importantly centered around creating a solution for a problem. If your Medical Laboratory does not solve a problem then my advice is to create a problem. I studied Medical Technology but decided to venture into a sales career, as a Medical Representative, in order to learn how to sell an idea to people, who have money, in order for them to pay me for my product or service. I ask myself everyday, "Whose got the money to fund my dreams in order to make them become a reality?" and I live everyday trying to solve problems for those people. That's the simple formula and if I could help a million people solve their problems and get paid for it then you can do the math. Fear is another obstacle in starting a Medical Laboratory which often prevents people from talking to other people about their ideas because of lack of courage. If you start talking to every single Jamaican and you are still unsuccessful in making your dreams a reality then you need training in sales.

Your major obstacle in starting a Medical Laboratory is sales and not money, if you learn how to sell then the money will come. If You don't believe in yourself as a Medical Technologist enough by learning how to sell then don't be surprised when other people don't invest in your idea of starting a Medical Laboratory.

If you need more information on how to sell your idea, visit our website:, or you can email us:, like our facebook fan page "Gav-Med Solutions" call us at: 18765685178

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