Thursday 4 May 2017

Sourcing the right You

You, the Medical Technologist, is the first product that you have to sell to your customer. There is a portion of every medical technologist's life that is missing, and it is preventing them from being the best Medical Technologist that they can be in the world of Laboratory Medicine. There is a common theme that is missing which is not personal appearance or money, but it is who they are as a person. This is an element of Total Quality Management that is embodied in Personnel Management where quality begins and ends with people. In life, we sometimes end up broke, feeling worthless, making poor decisions and as a result we desire a better life.

Medical Laboratory Scientists sometimes try to overcome early images that they did not like and want to be great at everything that they do. You must try to grow beyond whatever you thought you would become, whether a Doctor, Lawyer or Pastor, and make it known to everyone that you are grateful and that nothing is impossible. Every Med Tech likes to feel confident, excited, enthusiastic or whatever "self" you want to create. You should look straight into your own eyes and ask yourself "Is this someone that I can be proud of?" Then, instead of being a selfish person, create an image of a person whose customers can depend on him/her. In order to source the right you, you have to stop thinking about yourself or how much money you can make and focus on how much difference you can make. What makes you, YOU? It is what the Medical Technologist does and not who the Medical Technologist is that defines him/her as a person. The greatest joy we have is in making patients feel better even if it is just for a moment, therefore you should become more interested in people's well being without having ulterior motives. People are very fascinating creatures, you just have to love them and they will love you back, listen to them and you can learn a lot.

Everyday you talk to a customer at your Medical Laboratory, remind them how terrific they are and use words of encouragement to spark a change in someone's life. We oftentimes take for granted the good things we do and then torture ourselves for the mistakes that we naturally make as flawed and imperfect human beings wearing Laboratory coats and analyzing blood samples. We naturally will take a left turn sometimes when we should turn right and make other bad decisions in life. Every human being will have accidents along the way, but in order to become successful medical technologists, you need to accept what you have done and learn from it. Learn to have a positive attitude even when there is a dark cloud of negativity hanging over your head, and as long as you can do that as a Medical Laboratory Scientist, no error is too great that it should cripple you forever. Despite our raft of downfalls, we can grow and prosper together as human beings. We need to see the good in ourselves and be brave in accepting our shortcomings. You need to discover your life's purpose and the fastest way to do that, as a Medical Technologist, is through introspection. You have to dive into the deeper essences of who you are to pull out the pieces and assemble the puzzle of your life's purpose.

Medical Laboratory professionals should try to improve their life by getting more zest, more flavor, more fullness and then become a better person. Wake up every morning excited to go to the Medical Laboratory, jumping out of bed with a thirst for life that you haven't felt since you were a toddler. Life's purpose can be your connection to something big that will allow you to make a difference in the world and leave a legacy behind for others to follow. Whenever you sail into uncharted waters you will experience fear but always remember that you are human and learn to overcome your fears. Your inner beliefs of negativity maybe the first beast that you confront as a med tech. To fight negative self-talk you have to shine a spotlight of awareness on this negativity and then it will lose its control over you. Those negative beliefs may say draconian things such as, "You don't deserve to have a purpose" or "you'll never find what you're looking for in life." You have to be courageous as a Medical Technologist and acknowledge that this inner dialogue is more afraid of you than you are of it and it is trying to keep you trapped. The best way to stop the negative self-talk from stopping your success is to study these thoughts inside and out, and then act positively in spite of the thoughts you have. Whenever a belief is threatening to take a toll on your success as a Medical Technologist or your Laboratory then one must look it square in the eye and act positively anyway.

No matter who we are, we all can win!

You have to source the right product that you want to be.

Sourcing the right you will make you successful.

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