Saturday, 29 January 2022

Engineering Systems

The entire universe and the solar system are engineering masterpieces. The component parts and subsystems are will coordinated to carry out the main functions of the complex systems. Of all those complex systems in the universe, Life is the most advanced and complex. Throughout history, from Noah's Ark was built, systems engineering was used to make life possible. The Garden of Eden was a well engineered system which allowed Adam and Eve (the first people) to live happily. Planet Earth provides humans with the basic amenities for survival (food, water, clothing, shelter and sex) in a well engineered system. Life is the most advanced form of technology.

By definition, the goal of systems engineering is to guide the engineering of complex systems. A system is a set of interrelated components working together toward some common objective. Systems engineering focuses on the system as a whole; it emphasizes its total operation. It looks at the system from the outside as well as from the inside. The Medical Laboratory is a system which has people, process, data, software and hardware. Once Medical Laboratories are properly engineered, they can change the world.