After researching and studying some of the great business leaders and entrepreneurs, I have picked up a pattern from the data gathered. Most of the great ones are either inventors, investors and/or imitators. Elon Musk invented his own rockets to create SpaceX which will probably make him the first trillionaire. This involved imitating and learning from the mistakes of past aerospace engineers. Warren Buffett invested in Coca Cola and Apple Inc. which made him one of the richest men in the world. At one point, Warren Buffett was the richest man in the world. This involved imitating and learning from the mistakes of past financiers such as Benjamin Graham. This means that you either become good at science and engineering or learn finance and marketing to become a great business leader. For some, it is important to learn both which is easily done through imitation. In the USA, Silicon Valley is the hub for science and engineering inventors while Wall Street is the hub for finance and marketing investors. So my advice is to become an inventor, an investor and/or an imitator if you want to be an entrepreneur.
Gav-Med Solutions is a consulting firm in Jamaica that assist health professionals, such as Doctors, with product sourcing strategy as well as the starting and managing of Medical Laboratories. We are a group of medical laboratory professionals dedicated to making Jamaica a better place to start and manage medical laboratories at the most affordable costs. Gav-Med Solutions assist health professionals with product selection, sourcing and purchasing management.
Sunday, 17 July 2022
Inventor or Investor
Sunday, 10 July 2022
JAM-DEX for Healthcare
This is not about cryptocurrency or non-fungible tokens. It is about the information age. Money is an information system. Your finances is simply a data entry into a database. Banks will now operate as data centers which will be monitored by data scientists. Health financing will have to adopt to this new norm. This means that health insurance will become a large information system. JAM-DEX is the birth of digital currencies and infonomics in Jamaica.
Saturday, 9 July 2022
$1 USD Pharma Stocks
Investing in Pharmaceuticals
Investing is very risky. Hence, it is important to do thorough research of the companies that you are investing in. The share price of Berkshire Hathaway is currently the most expensive in the world due to the fact that this holding company is the brainchild of Warren Buffett who is the godfather of modern day investing. After looking at the assets owned by Berkshire Hathaway, it is evident that since the COVID-19 pandemic they have invested more in pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, Merck, Teva, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, and Abbvie Inc. are some examples of assets that are owned by Berkshire Hathaway.
It is without a doubt that a healthcare boom is coming as predicted by Michael Lee-Chin in a strategic initiative letter in 2021. More investors such as Warren Buffett are starting to research pharmaceutical companies to see which one will be the best to invest in. That pharmaceutical company will probably have the next great medical breakthrough in genetics. Medical Laboratories will be some of the largest publicly-listed companies in the future since DNA will replace software as the most popular product on planet Earth. On the Jamaica Stock Exchange there are pharmaceutical companies such as Fontana, Medical Disposables and Indies Pharma that you can invest in.Disclaimer: This information should not be taken as investment advice. Please contact your licensed investment advisor before making any investment decision.
Saturday, 25 June 2022
Medical Microinsurance
The exorbitant cost of healthcare has caused many to avoid the healthcare system completely because of affordability issues. Many persons are still unbanked and uninsured which results in those persons unable to access a medical loan or health insurance. This is a major drawback in the development of an effective healthcare system. Medical Laboratories charge exorbitant fees for blood tests that are not subsidized by the government or health insurance. This makes access to diagnostics and pharmaceuticals a luxury for a few. A solution to this is the access to medical microinsurance for the unbanked and uninsured. This can be simply in the form of a medical cost sharing program. These programs are sometimes called healthcare ministries in many christian organizations.
Sunday, 1 May 2022
Becoming an Inventor
Becoming an inventor does not require you to be super brilliant. Inventions are created using a three step formula. These steps include: Initiation, Imitation and Innovation. A simple and mathematical way to remember this formula is Invention = Initiation + Imitation + Innovation. The first step which is Initiation is to study the field that you want create an invention in. For example if you want to invent a diagnostic test then you have to study medical laboratory science and engineering. This means reading academic papers, research literature and books about the subject. This will help you with initiating your mind to think about how your invention will add value to society. The second step which is Imitation is to filter through all of the literature and find strategies that you can copy. After copying these strategies then you need to practice them daily until you are perfect. Through practicing you will automatically start to find new strategies that no one has ever tried before. Finding new and unique strategies through experimentation is what leads you to the Innovation step.
Friday, 15 April 2022
Datasets in Molecular Biology
Finding the needle in the haystack is what health data analytics is all about. Factors that can affect the needle found include poor data quality, poor data governance and poor data preparation. The use of data to create expert systems that operate similar or superior to physicians is the final innovation for healthcare. This innovation will intertwine the subject areas of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. A dataset in molecular biology could predict whether a patient will have cancer in the future. There are several research and development initiatives aimed at creating what I call "ROBO-DOCTOR" which is an expert system for healthcare. This will incorporate the use of therapeutic and diagnostic data as well as a decision support system that can predict future health outcomes.
Saturday, 19 March 2022
Product Sourcing Strategy for DNA
Sunday, 13 March 2022
Open Source Educational LIMS
G-MOSS (Gav-Med Open Source Society) is the ultimate free and open-source healthcare group for open source laboratory information management systems. Its focus is on data and life as subject areas that everyone can learn for free online via open-source education. Data is viewed from the perspective of artificial intelligence and Life is viewed from the perspective of genetic engineering. We believe that path to a self-taught education is via the internet and is possible with the symbiosis of artificial and biological intelligence. Linus's law states that 'given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow'. This means that everyone should learn and participate in the development of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.
Wednesday, 23 February 2022
Open Data and Life
Open source technologies are becoming more popular now since Microsoft purchased GitHub, the ultimate open source software development company. Free and open source software (FOSS) allows users to use, study, change and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose. It is source code that is designed to be publicly accessible. Microsoft was the major opponent of this idea of open source since their business model was built on proprietary closed source software. Eventually, everyone will have to embrace every form of open source, including open data and open life which are the future. Open Data focuses on the open source approach to artificial intelligence whilst Open Life focuses on the open source approach to genetic engineering. This is future of open source which allows anyone to use, study, change and distribute the source code of AI and genetics. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, even university education is now open source. There is an open source computer science degree available on GitHub called Open Source Society University.
Monday, 7 February 2022
Computers or Humans: AI or Genetics
There is an ongoing debate about which technology will have the greatest impact on the universe. Robotics, Computers and AI will create machines that are autonomous, require little to no human intelligence and exist independently. Human engineering with Genetics will create human beings with biological superintelligence that exist supernaturally without any form of disease. This war between computers and humans will become more intense with advancements in the fields of artificial intelligence and genetics. DNA is the most advanced form of software ever created. This makes engineering life the most important invention of the human race. AlphaCode and GPT-3 allows computers to write their own code using artificial intelligence. In the future, computers will be able to reprogram human genetics using artificial intelligence. This means that instead of humans engineering machines, machines will start to engineer humans . Thus, using AI, computers will start to engineer life. The jobs of software and genetic engineers would become extinct. STEM discoveries are gradually making progress in the engineering of life especially for humans to become a multiplanetary species and colonise Mars.
Saturday, 29 January 2022
Engineering Systems
The entire universe and the solar system are engineering masterpieces. The component parts and subsystems are will coordinated to carry out the main functions of the complex systems. Of all those complex systems in the universe, Life is the most advanced and complex. Throughout history, from Noah's Ark was built, systems engineering was used to make life possible. The Garden of Eden was a well engineered system which allowed Adam and Eve (the first people) to live happily. Planet Earth provides humans with the basic amenities for survival (food, water, clothing, shelter and sex) in a well engineered system. Life is the most advanced form of technology.