The final TECH is the engineering or programming of life. Imagine being able to change your genetics like how you change the operating system on your computer or update an application on your android phone. This could happen in real time using a genetic compiler that changes your human biology in an instant. This invention will take all the foundations of nanomedicine and manipulate biological machines inside your cells, at the DNA level, to create a new YOU. You can change your IQ, Eye Color, Height, Weight, Skin Color and Texture, Hair Color and Texture, and/or your health by programming your biology. Instead of programming computers which we do now in the software revolution, we will be programming our biology in the living software revolution. The Medical Laboratory has a major role in the creation of this final TECH which is YOU. Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics is the fastest growing discipline of Laboratory Medicine and has the potential to create the most advanced form of technology that the human race will ever experience.
Gav-Med Solutions is a consulting firm in Jamaica that assist health professionals, such as Doctors, with product sourcing strategy as well as the starting and managing of Medical Laboratories. We are a group of medical laboratory professionals dedicated to making Jamaica a better place to start and manage medical laboratories at the most affordable costs. Gav-Med Solutions assist health professionals with product selection, sourcing and purchasing management.
Saturday, 30 October 2021
YOU are the final TECH
Biology is Nanotechnology
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Bio- Hax and Vax
Many conspiracies surrounding Bio-Hax and Vax have led a lot of people to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine. Theorists are spreading propaganda that the vaccine will edit DNA or implant microchips inside persons. Biohacking is becoming more mainstream now since the invention of CRISPR. Genetic engineers are now contemplating the creation of superhumans by engineering their biology. Some even believe that COVID-19 is the birth of the era of biological programming. Programming biology changes man into a machine since like a computer that can be programmed with Python, engineers can program the cells of man with DNA (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine). Bio-Hax are possible through the engineering of a synthetic virus which infects a cell via a pandemic (involuntarily) or by simply creating a vaccine with the RNA of the synthetic virus then inject it into the cell (voluntarily). An enzyme will cut the DNA like a scissors then insert any new gene into the person's DNA. This technology will be greater and more impactful than the software revolution. It is actually another form of software revolution called the living software revolution.
Biological and Software programming
Monday, 18 October 2021
Bio-plastics, fuels or fertilizers
Which industry will biology have the greatest impact? Life is the ultimate technology and engineering life can transform trillion dollar industries. Bioplastics are plastic materials produced from renewable biomass sources. These renewable biomass sources include vegetable fats and oils, corn starch, straw, woodchips, sawdust, recycled food waste, etc. On the other hand, fossil-fuel plastics are derived from petroleum or natural gas. Biofuel is fuel that is produced through biomass rather than through oil. Biomass such as wood can be used as fuel and involve carbon fixation, such as those which occur in plants via photosynthesis. Biofertilizers are living microbes which, when applied to seeds or soil, colonize the rhizosphere or interior of the plant and promotes growth by increasing the availability of nutrients to the host plant. This is how biotechnology can replace trillion dollar industries.
Biology is the future of tech
The most advanced technology that exist in this universe is life. The study of life and the ability to engineer life will be the final invention of the human race. Currently there are advancements in synthetic biology which allow humans to program DNA like programming a computer. Bill Gates once said that DNA is a software, just more advanced than any software ever created. Elon Musk also said that DNA is firmware, which makes curing diseases like cancer a software problem. The ability to engineer life is at the forefront of most research done by synthetic biologists and bioengineers.