Monday, 21 October 2019

Marketing and Sales Automation

Personalize your Medical Laboratory is a concept that is built on how you can use personalized marketing and personal branding to grow a Medical Laboratory. Personalized marketing, otherwise known as one-to-one marketing, is a strategy that can be used to avoid obscurity. It uses the internet, especially social media and email as a marketing and sales tool to communicate an idea or story to specific customers.

Personalize your Medical Laboratory means using digital technology and sales automation to send individualized messages or product offerings to clients. It is the title of a book written about Sales in Laboratory Medicine. The intention of this idea is to change the way in which Medical Technologists think about achieving their dreams of starting a medical laboratory.

Changes in Digital Marketing such as with website analytics has enabled more effective customer personalization tactics. Personalized marketing is dependent on advancements in technology which facilitates data analytics, data collection, data transfer and data scalability. Internet Marketing via google analytics allows the collection of data such as location, demographics, age, gender,  and connect them to click-through-rate and social media participation. This ideology is not about creating a cult of personality. It is about how personal branding, personalized marketing and sales automation combined with robotics and artificial intelligence will transform Laboratory Medicine.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

First Trillionaires

The first trillionaires in the world will be entrepreneurs who built their businesses around the areas of artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, regenerative medicine, quantum mechanics or augmented reality. Building a business in Laboratory Medicine with a trillion dollar valuation is easy once the business model focuses on one those areas. Artificial Intelligence and robotics will eventually replace the human resources of the Medical Laboratory. A team of devoted scientists who specialize in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) will mold the future of Laboratory Medicine. Learning STEM does not require a college degree but requires intense devotion to learn the principles of engineering and apply them practically to Laboratory Medicine. Such a paradigm shift could have a negative effect on the patient care since the humane aspect of the business model will disappear. The Medical Laboratory would lose its personal "human touch" and become an emotionless set of machinery. 

Creating of new computer processors and the use of data science will transform the entire healthcare industry. Brain-Computer interfaces and Space travel will rely on these biomedical engineering principles to build the medical laboratories of the future. The era of AI, Quantum Mechanics and Gene- editing will destroy jobs and create an economy built with metal, nuts and bolts. Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science that develops machines and software with human like intelligence