Friday, 14 July 2017

Personalize your Medical Laboratory

Personalize your Medical Laboratory is about using digital technology to market your brand to the world via the internet. Personalization is used by a variety of companies to improve digital sales conversion, customer loyalty, advertising and website metrics as well as marketing and branding results. Personalization is a key element in social media. Open data on the internet is increasing in its prevalence and plays a major role in personalization. Data is available via APIs, web services as well as open data standards which allows the data to be inter-connected and re-used by third parties.

Predictive personalization is the ability to predict customers behavior, needs and wants and tailor sales pitches according to the customer's personality. One source of this predictive analysis is social data which is used by a lot of digital marketing experts who want to convert more leads and target customers online. This is artifical intelligence at play as well which uses behavioral targeting.

The categories of web personalization include:
1. Behavioral
2. Historical data
3. Contextual
4. Technical
5. Collaboratively filtered

One example of personalization is a website knows a user's location and buying habits will tailor a suggestion in the form of a sales offer based on the user's demographics. Each user is classified by a relevant trait such as location or age then given personalization in the form of a sales offer.